  • Crédits photo : Fartfelien
    Crédits photo : Fartfelien

Soirée "En Voix"


Hello everyone, my name is Jeanne, I'm a musician and I'd like to start up a series of evenings that I call "soirées en voix".
It's an evening during which we all get together to sing a song.
A song that I've prepared, for which I've imagined voices.
And then I've got some musicians who will come along to accompany us while we sing.
Why am I doing this?
Because I love singing.
I find that it's always very rich to sing with other people.
And I realise that lots of people love to sing but don't allow themselves to do it or don't have the time to do it in a choir.
Because a choir is a bit of a constraint, you have to go every week, you have to work in between.
But this is just an evening.
An evening during which we'll have a drink and a bite to eat together.
And then, of course, we're going to play a bit of music and we're going to try to make the song as pretty as possible at the end of the evening by being recorded so that we can see what we're capable of doing, even when we're not expert musicians or when we're not used to singing with lots of people.
So if you have this desire, if you have a taste for singing, even if you think you don't sing well, even if you think you don't have the rhythm, don't be afraid, come and share this moment with me because I'll be delighted to share it with you.
And you'll see, it's great fun.
So the first 'En Voix' evening will take place on 17 January at the 'fartfelien' in Gigny-sur-Saône from 7.30pm to 9pm.
If you can bring a small tart or cake, something to nibble on at the end, that's great fun. If you can't, it's no big deal.
The aim is just for you to come and share a good time together.
I hope to see many of you there.
See you soon